According to data from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, clean energy sources such as wind and solar accounted for more than two-thirds of new US electrical generating capacity added during the first half of 2022. (FERC). Utility-scale wind and solar accounted for 67.01% of the 14,352 MW added. According to FERC, there could be up to 192,507 MW of new solar capacity and up to 70,393 MW of new wind capacity on the way by June 2025, which could see sustainable energy sources nearly double their current installed capacity in the US. Clean energy has grown to account for 26.74% of total available installed generating capacity in the United States.
Here are some of the key points:
Clean energy sources, including wind and solar, contributed to more than two-thirds of new electrical generating capacity added in the US during the first half of 2022.
Wind and solar provided 67.01% of the 14,352 MW of new utility-scale capacity that came online during the first six months of 2022.
FERC reports that there may be as much as 192,507 MW of new solar capacity on the way and up to 70,393 MW of new wind capacity by June 2025.
Clean energy's share of total US available installed generating capacity has increased to 26.74%, up from 19.7% five years ago and 14.76% ten years ago.
The projected net increase of 83,540 MW over the next three years for solar and wind combined, minus anticipated retirements, reflects a growth of over 2,300 MW per month.
The article also notes that the growth of clean energy sources in the US is likely to continue and may be further boosted by the Inflation Reduction Act signed into law by President Joe Biden.
How does this fit into the Hierarchy of Agency?
Know the Truth! Understanding the current innovations that are happening in clean energy is essential to having a clear picture of where the world is at. First step in claim your sense of agency is to Know the Truth. Questioning things is the first step into seeing the truth of everyday life. Don't just sit by and let the world spin around you. You are part of something awesome in this world and its worth exploring, and questioning.
Learn more about the Hierarchy of Agency by visiting our page: https://www.optamerican.com/agency
Want to do more research? Check our source: https://electrek.co/2022/08/15/wind-solar-provide-67-of-new-us-electrical-generating-capacity-in-first-half-of-2022/