In this article it explains how optimists feel they receive greater support from their partners than non-optimists, and both optimists and their partners are more satisfied in their relationships. Researchers from the University of Oregon examined the general outlook on life of 108 couples who had been dating for at least six months. Surveys gauged their perceived support in the dating relationship, relationship satisfaction, investment in the relationship, and their big five personality characteristics. The researchers found that couples with at least one optimist were more satisfied with their relationship overall, and that optimists and their partners were more likely to report that their partner was constructive in their conflict discussion and that the conflict was effectively resolved. The researchers suggest that having at least one optimist in a relationship may lead to longer and more fulfilling relationships.
Here are some key points:
Optimists feel they receive greater support from their partners than non-optimists.
Both optimists and their partners are more satisfied in their relationships.
Optimists' positive outlook can affect their partners, even when they are not optimists themselves.
Couples with at least one optimist are more likely to resolve conflicts constructively and effectively.
Having at least one optimist in a relationship may lead to longer and more fulfilling relationships.
Optimism is a personality trait that can have a significant impact on relationship satisfaction and longevity.
How does this fit in the Hierarchy of Agency?
Find Power In LOVE AND CONNECTION! It is important to work together and remain optimistic even when times get tough. Relationships are not easy and that is another reason why it is crucial to be optimistic and be able to work as a team.
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